New Year, New Opportunities | Human Resources Consultant in Miami

Human Resources Consultant in Miami

Before we can build the world we want to live in, we have to imagine it. Greatness starts with a clear vision of the future. – Simone Sinek

Vision Boards are a great way to visualize and reach your full potential. Having a clear vision for your life and what you want to accomplish will help you to maintain a higher level of focus. The vision will help you steer all your actions in the right direction, without losing focus of the intended outcome. Continue reading below to learn about making empowering vision boards. Also feel free to browse through our website or contact our Human Resources Consultant in Miami.

Here’s 6-Step Process for Making Empowering Vision Boards:

1) Create a list of goals you’d like to achieve in the next year

In order to visualize your goals, first you need to know what they are. Spend some time getting clear on exactly what you want your ideal life to look like, and what you need to accomplish in the next 12 months to launch you closer to your goals.

2) Collect a bundle of beautiful pictures

If you’re not a magazine reader or currently don’t have any magazines at home, ask your friends to give you any they no longer want. You can also save images from the web into a word document and print those out, might be quicker, both methods work.

3) Find pictures that represent your goals and inspire you

Schedule a couple hours one evening or weekend to go through the imagines and cut out pictures that represent your goals and speak to your heart in some meaningful way.

When looking for, look for those that immediately make you say, “Yes! That is what I want in my life!” Focus on how the images make you FEEL.

4) Make a collage out of your photos

Once you have collected enough photos, it’s time to make your vision board! Think back when you were in school and had to create a school presentation – construction or poster paper work well. A corkboard or large piece of paper would work as well. Then glue, tack, or tape your pictures to the paper or corkboard in an arrangement that is visually pleasing to you.

5) Add motivational “affirmation words” that represent how you want to FEEL

Your vision of your ideal life shouldn’t be focused on “stuff” so much as on how you want to FEEL. I love to add words to my vision board that describe how I want to feel on a daily basis – such as: “happiness,” “abundant,” “powerful,” “fearless,” “loved,” “strong,” “healthy,” “loving,” and “financially free.”

Take some time to create a list of words that describe how YOU want to feel.

6) Take a few moments to contemplate your vision board every day

To get the full benefit from your vision board, it’s important for you to place it somewhere you can see it every day. I recommend you take a few minutes to look over your vision board at least once or twice a day.

It’s a good idea to create a new inspiration board each year. As you continue to grow, evolve and expand, your dreams will too. Your vision board is meant to be kept and cherished. They chronicle not only your dreams, but your growth and achievements.

About Us | Human Resources Consultant in Miami

Browse through our website to check out more articles related to Empowering Vision Boards and don’t forget to check out our Consulting services. If you have any questions feel free to contact Stellar Synergy our Human Resources Consultant in Miami would be happy to help!

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